
to the
Rochester Woodcarvers!
The Rochester Woodcarvers Club is a gathering of individuals from around the Rochester Minnesota area who are interested in woodcarving. Everyone is welcome whether they are just interested in learning about woodcarving, are considering starting to carve, or are beginner, experienced or master carvers.
Join us at the next meeting of the 2023-2024 season
Visitors welcome!
For general meeting information and location check out the Club Information menu above.
Upcoming Meetings & Speakers
15-Feb-2025: To Be Announced
15-Mar-2025: To Be Announced
22 & 23-Mar-2025: Free Annual Show
19-Apr-2025: Laurie Reed & Janet Denn – Woodburning Wizards
17-May-2025: Charlene Lynum – Award Winning Chip Carver
Weekly Carve-Ins on Tuesday and Wednesday (details here)
Please invite your spouse, family, friends and neighbors to our meetings!
Remember to bring your “Show and Tell” items to let us know what you have been doing!
Our Annual Show is coming!
Mark your calendar for March 22 & 23!
This year our Annual Woodcarvers Show will mark the club’s 49th Anniversary.
General information about the FREE family friendly show is on our show page.
Member signup for tables starts in mid-January.
2024’s Festival of Trees is over.
Our tree has been decorated and has had the crowds come to see it.
Our theme was a Dala Horse Ranch under the tree and ornaments of Dalas and other Swedish items.
Here is the web page about this year’s Festival. It includes the early sneak-peak of some Dala horses along with a link to Photos of the decorated tree.
Recent Club Events
Our 48th Anniversary Annual Show was fun for both visitors and exhibitors. Details about the show including links to media coverage and photos at the show are on the 2024 Annual Show page.
“Dala Horses Ride into Rochester” started with a call to members to create Dala horses. A summary with photos is on the Events>Dala Posse page.
A Call for Carvings – The Dala Posse is headed to the Festival of Trees. People are invited to carve decorations for this year’s tree. See the details on the Dala Posse page.
Next Monthly Meeting – February 15
Folks are working hard to provide another great presentation

President’s Challenge for February
People are encouraged to bring a sampling of their wood burning projects to the meeting.