Related Links
Listings are informational and neither a specific recommendation or endorsement by the Rochester Woodcarvers Club.
Clothing with the Rochester Woodcarvers Logo: Sometimes we have had clothing with an embroidered club’s logo available. Check with club officers to see if we currently have any arrangements for items.
Minnesota Woodcarving Club web site:
Other carving web sites:
- Moore Roughouts / Designs & Carving Supply
- Fan Carver’s World (Fan Birds & More) and their How-To-Videos
- Pinewood Forge tools
- Carvers Companion WoodCarving e-zine magazine
- Ivan Whillock’s home page
- Caricature Carvers of America home page
- Carving Patterns – Lora S. Irish
- Chipping Away – Dennis and Todd Moor
The following links are helpful for beginners and kids:
- Woodworking With Kids
- Exciting Scout Crafts – Wood Carving
- Family Woodworking Projects
- Starting Woodworking: A Beginner’s Guide
- Home Improvement Woodworking Projects
- Glossary of Woodworking Terms – Not only a huge Glossary but their main page has a goal to “help novices better understand the fundamentals of woodworking.”
The following links are interesting decoy carving sites:
Carving related magazines:
Woodworkers Guild of America: delivers the highest quality woodworking video techniques on the Internet and includes more than 300 free video clips as well as articles and tool reviews.