43rd Annual Carving Show – March 24-25, 2019

The 43rd Annual Rochester Woodcarvers Show was held March 24-25, 2019 at the 4H Building on the Olmsted County Fairgrounds.
Click on the following links to see photos of the show. The first 3 of the 4 groups of photos are the results of hours of work by club member Tom Severson.
Featured Carver – This year, Randy Kinnick was our featured carver and he brought a wide variety of carvings he has completed.
Raffle carvings – Each year, our Rochester Woodcarvers Club members and friends like the Zumbro Valley Woodturners, donate wonderful items to the club that we can use for our raffle. Because we have such high quality items that attract our visitors who generously purchase raffle tickets for their favorite items, we generate enough revenue so that we can offer free admission to all our guests. Thanks again to all those who donated and supported our raffle!
People’s choice carvings – Active Rochester Woodcarvers Club members have the opportunity to enter a carving into our People’s Choice competition where our club members and show visitors can vote for their favorite carvings. Carvings are returned to the owners at the end of the show. Photos of the top three carvings will be used in promotional materials for the next year’s show. 1st place was awarded to Cheryl Jones for her “Bass Relief”, 2nd place went to Steve Thalacker for his “Wolf” and 3rd place went to Carl Beckendorf for his “Woodburned Plaque”. Congratulations to these three, thank you to those participating and a huge thanks to those voting!
Candid photos from the show – Wayne Hendrickson helped out again this year by creating this collection of candid photos of the show. Thanks Wayne, it is great to have these memories of all our friends and visitors!